आईएसएसएन: 2161-119X

ओटोलरींगोलॉजी: ओपन एक्सेस

खुला एक्सेस

हमारा समूह 1000 से अधिक वैज्ञानिक सोसायटी के सहयोग से हर साल संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, यूरोप और एशिया में 3000+ वैश्विक सम्मेलन श्रृंखला कार्यक्रम आयोजित करता है और 700+ ओपन एक्सेस जर्नल प्रकाशित करता है जिसमें 50000 से अधिक प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तित्व, प्रतिष्ठित वैज्ञानिक संपादकीय बोर्ड के सदस्यों के रूप में शामिल होते हैं।

ओपन एक्सेस जर्नल्स को अधिक पाठक और उद्धरण मिल रहे हैं
700 जर्नल और 15,000,000 पाठक प्रत्येक जर्नल को 25,000+ पाठक मिल रहे हैं

में अनुक्रमित
  • सूचकांक कॉपरनिकस
  • गूगल ज्ञानी
  • शेरपा रोमियो
  • जे गेट खोलो
  • जेनेमिक्स जर्नलसीक
  • RefSeek
  • हमदर्द विश्वविद्यालय
  • ईबीएससीओ एज़
  • ओसीएलसी- वर्ल्डकैट
  • पबलोन्स
  • चिकित्सा शिक्षा और अनुसंधान के लिए जिनेवा फाउंडेशन
  • आईसीएमजेई
इस पृष्ठ को साझा करें


Sickle Cell Trait, Malaria and Sensorineural Hearing Loss–A Case-Control Study from São Tomé and Príncipe

Cristina Caroça*,João Pereira de Lima ,Paula Campelo,Elisabete Carolino,Helena Caria,João Paço, Susana Nunes Silva

Background: Hearing loss is a problem with higher incidence in South Asia, Asia Pacific and sub-Saharan Africa. In these countries there is also associated history of anemia and malaria. Objective: This study aims to identify a putative role of Beta globin mutation - sickle cell trait and HL in São Tomé and Príncipe population. Methods: A retrospective case-control study of a convenience sample was collected during Otolaryngologist Humanitarian Missions in São Tomé and Príncipe. Control group includes individuals with normal hearing in both ears, and the case group has participants presenting bilateral or unilateral HL. It was evaluated the potential risk factors and sickle cell trait with HL, as well self-report of malaria infection, consanguinity, familial history of HL. The HbS gene point mutation (Glu6Val) was determined by PCR-RFLP. Results: Our results showed a statistical significance between HL - oral language and self-report of HL. Taken altogether, our data did not reveal association between sickle cell trait and HL. However, a statistical association between HL and self-report of malaria was found. Conclusion: No association between sickle cell trait and the high prevalence of HL was found. Self-report of Malaria was found as a risk factor for the development of HL in São Tomé and Príncipe population. The multifactorial profile of HL shall not exclude the relevance of other etiologic factors than Malaria to justify the high prevalence of HL in São Tomé and Príncipe and further investigation must be applied.