हमारा समूह 1000 से अधिक वैज्ञानिक सोसायटी के सहयोग से हर साल संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, यूरोप और एशिया में 3000+ वैश्विक सम्मेलन श्रृंखला कार्यक्रम आयोजित करता है और 700+ ओपन एक्सेस जर्नल प्रकाशित करता है जिसमें 50000 से अधिक प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तित्व, प्रतिष्ठित वैज्ञानिक संपादकीय बोर्ड के सदस्यों के रूप में शामिल होते हैं।
ओपन एक्सेस जर्नल्स को अधिक पाठक और उद्धरण मिल रहे हैं
700 जर्नल और 15,000,000 पाठक प्रत्येक जर्नल को 25,000+ पाठक मिल रहे हैं
Esteban Fernandez-Vazquez
By examining how a collection of local economies heavily specialised in mining diversified its economy after the cessation of state subsidies that supported coal extraction, this paper attempts to shed light on the research that links mining activities to regional diversification.The case in point is the mining municipalities in Asturias, an autonomous community in northern Spain, which made up one of the nation's most significant coal basins. Although the mining of coal was one of the key factors influencing the region's economic activity, the mine pits were only dispersed among a small number of municipalities[1-15].The most significant negative repercussions of this strategy, which was first put into place in the Recent research (see Fitjar and Timmermans, 2019) suggests that this change in public mining policy should have resulted in a better diversification of the local economies that had previously specialised in mining operations, but it can be difficult to accurately evaluate this effect. Due to the limited number of geographical units that are directly impacted by the therapy, conventional approaches such as difference-in-differences are not feasible. In order to solve this issue, the Synthetic Control Method (SCM) estimation approach from Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) is applied in this study. A weighted average of the untreated units (non-mining municipalities) produced by the application of the SCM closely resembles the treated unit over the pre-treatment period. The expected outcomes for this artificial control are then made using the weights determined from the. The counterfactual for the treated unit is this projection. This methodology will be used in conjunction with extensive historical data on local employment that has been categorised by industry and is available for all of the region's towns for the years 1978 to 2018. The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), which is the variable of interest, is used to quantify the degree of diversification in each region. The use of this technique demonstrates how this accelerated the diversification of the mining area, producing significant differences on the HHI with the counterfactual synthetic unit and indicating that the level of concentration of the economic activity is significantly lower than it was in the early 1990s (when public policies of support for coal extraction started to end).